文章来源: 雅美之途2020-04-16 18:37:08

关于美国Fox News报道病毒从武汉的实验室传出的信息,我是这样在同济校友群中讨论的,略加修改公布如下:

可以看这里的视频,美军联席会议主席Mark Milley将军直接回答了这个问题。他说不能排除这个病毒来源于实验室,但是现在的证据指向病毒为自然的产物:

这是记者与Mark Milley将军的对话:

记者:Do you have any evidence that the virus began in a Chinese lab and was maybe released accidentally?


Milley将军:There’s a lot of rumor and speculation in a wide variety of media, blog sites, etc. It should be no surprise to you that we’ve taken a keen interest in that and we’ve had a lot of intelligence take a hard look at that. And I would just say at this point, it’s inconclusive, although the weight of evidence seems to indicate natural. But we don’t know for certain.


美国国防部长Mark Espe也说:“A majority of the views right now is that (the virus) is natural -- it was organic,"(“大多数的观点认为病毒是自然的产物”)。


我查不到美国媒体病毒漏露论的令人信服的证据来源,他们在不确定或存在深喉的情况下多用Multiple sources, 但是到现在为止的信息是没有smoking gun或no credible evidence。我是这样看的:在石正丽发表那篇新冠病毒的Nature论文之前,她们没有发表过任何与该病毒一致的病毒。现在这个病毒在包括华大的一流病毒学家Michael Diamond在内的全球科学家的手里,大家没有发现任何人工操作的痕迹,完全就是个自然病毒。至于是否是从实验室漏露的,可能性也极低。现在没有任何证据,只能算是炒作,只不过炒作从中国轮到了美国。那UNC的人工病毒与这病毒是两回事,况且那人工病毒是美国科学家制备的,石正丽只是个合作者而已。


中国做得好的,我是会在公开的国际场合大力赞扬的。正如我给自己的好朋友美国感染科专家的这封回邮所展现的。他拥有麻省理工和圣路易斯华大的哲学和医学双博士,本科与Anthony Fauci读的同一所文理学院:Holy Cross。


Nice to get your note and I hope everything is well with you and your wife.

Regarding your questions on Wuhan BSL-level 4 lab, I have to say that they are managing very well. No graduate students or any personnel associated with the Wuhan Institute of Virology were infected, that is an amazing record for a city initiated the pandemic. They made great discoveries this time: identifying the virus, receptor ACE2, and the neutralized antibody. This time the Chinese scientists are doing a much better job than their performances during the SARS outbreak, but the government was horrible in the initial stage of controlling the virus spread. Please find the source of research done by Scripps scientists published at Nature Medicine showing that the virus was not lab construct or man-made whatsoever.



关于你提到的WIV P4实验室的问题,我可以告诉你他们管理得很好。他们的研究生和任何工作人员无人感染新冠病毒,这对于大流行始发的城市是个惊人的记录。他们做出了伟大的发现:发现新冠病毒,发现了新冠病毒的受体并且认识到新冠病毒能产生中和抗体。中国科学家在这次抗击新冠病毒的表现远强过他们在萨斯流行时的记录,但是ZF在早期防止病毒扩散方面失策不少。请看下面Scripps研究所的文章,说明病毒不是源于实验室或人为制造的)

美国Scripps 研究所等单位的科学家终于在Nature Medicine发表文章还了石正丽一个清白,当时我所极力反对的对她铺天盖地的阴谋论,比现在还盛,十分可恶。最关键的是这句话:“Our analyses clearly show that SARS-CoV-2 is not a laboratory construct or a purposefully manipulated virus.” (“我们的分析清楚地说明新冠病毒不是实验室构建的或者人为操作出来的病毒”)
