War and Remembrance
文章来源: TJKCB2023-11-10 23:10:59




Roots. The Thorn Birds. V. The Winds of War. The North and the South. From Here to Eternity. The Day After. Masada. 

i mean what about the war truman is a nobody i mean it's it's a nightmare it's costly
hack said he left some booze here yes he did lots you know what
let's just have a good stiff drink of scotch dear [Music]
then i just think i'll go home [Music]
franklin delano roosevelt is dead a nation and the whole of the free world
is plunged into mourning perhaps the most apt tribute will be
paid by the men who fought the great crusade under his leadership veterans of mata casino the salomon slot
the bulge midway and iwo jima
they will say he was the commander-in-chief not only of our armed forces but of our
generation [Music]
ready as the american president is laid to rest winston churchill rises in parliament
what an enviable death was his he had brought his country through the
worst of its perils and the heaviest of its toils victory
that cast and steady beam upon him in the days of peace
he had broadened and stabilized the foundations of american life and
union in war he had raised the strength the might and glory of the great
republic to a heights never attained by any nation in history [Music]
nine days later april 22 1945 the red army including elements of the
first polish division smashes through the outer defenses of berlin by 2pm the german capital is all but so
run and adolf hitler the german warlord who once bestowed europe from the atlantic
to the volga has now been reduced to plotting grand strategies to relieve the beleaguered capital with
divisions tank brigades even whole armies that exist only in his fevered
what is going on we have been trying to reach the steiner
army since yesterday my patience is not limitless telephone lines my viewer they keep
breaking down if i do not hear from steiner within 15 minutes somebody will be
shocked lieutenant general hans krebs adolf hitler's latest chief of the
general staff [Music]
unfortunately i feel her it has been confirmed what
has there can be no steiner attack
stay [Music]
the ancients i shall kill my child my decision is
there every pepper do not even say this word betrayed double cross
deceived surrounded by
the war is lost last last last stupid incompetent
swine so treated me
lies corruption everybody is against me
[Music] if you lose faith then indeed all is
lost bowman smite
however it is not too late [Music] if you will go immediately to basket
from the alpine red out you can direct the final defense of our country
no those who wish to go south may
do so i shall remain here in berlin
and when the time comes [Music]
i shall shoot myself
my deception is irreplicable sure if we go
if you don't have your leadership staff with you can you direct the war from here
caring will take over command down there and fewer
no soldier will fight for the right
to be done [Music]
april 25th 1945 at the town of torgau on the elba river
the russians and the americans meeted last in the heart of germany
so and finally the last of the nazi death
camps are overrun dachau
saxonhausen [Music]
flossenburg bergen-belsen
ravensbruck [Music]
[Applause] [Music] northhausen [Music]
but to the end the germans continue to try to destroy the evidence of their
crimes the hell is this sergeant
take a squad and check it out yes sir darling come on with me yes sir
Kelly, grab your man [Music]
put two on the engine and have two on the other side okay so you two get on the engine you two on
the other side of the train
you smell that let's get this thing open
[Music] oh my god
let's see if these other cars have any people in them i'll get you up in there and i want to check them out
sergeant look at this
my god, they've reached the tear garden and i've seen artillery fire from positions along the river spray
yes until we are squarely in the middle, as is our underground warrior
but in heaven's names, why have i been sent before?
why does he do anything i gather in some sort of new assignment
anyway arun i'm glad you are here press obscenities badly needed
these papers has been burning everything since the gearing and hindler betrayals
betrayals you didn't know no i have been with dernitz at his headquarters in the north
greering wired an ultimatum from the oversalzburg, saying it was time for him to take over full control of them
so that he might negotiate a peace with the allies, of course, that instantly got him
arrested fat boy it's comfort
and himmler this one the fuhrer found out about just tonight
from the bbc troy heinrich has been secretly
negotiating for peace was done by the west on his own through the swedes
now our leaders are spawning around down there, raving about the jews
let's go down into the asylum
i do not understand where everyone is scattered, every man for himself
kyle and Juliep have already gone south. [Applause.] we are among the last
there was a move in the whole family yes, it was decided they will all die with the fuhrer when the time comes
all of them for brown also oh yes the tortoise anger the angel of
death that's what enlisted men called her she came in about a week ago
she has decided to die with him too well see you at a midnight briefing
if you're both alive i've been surrounded from the onset by
nothing but traitors incompetence and liars i should have won this war i did not
make a single mistake my plans were flawless
the army left it out the party let me know the german people let me down
you two have lied to me spain confessed that the demolitions were
never carried out
sabotage of my orders it's mutiny that mutant ears are shot and fury
i did only what i believed to be right what i believed to be right for the german people
yeah well, i've pardoned albert spear because of his services to the right
and i spare you because, contrary to the nature of your whole damned breed,
happen to be loyal
i now appoint you operations officer for the final defense of the chancellery
as a soldier to soldier i have a
last request to make as i give you this grave responsibility
for the defense of the citadel
i must, under no circumstances, be captured alive. i know there is not
much time left but should you feel the military situation to be such
that we can no longer hold for more than 24 hours
you want to report this to me at once
this is a personal request
but there's also an order i understand
my life is not in your hands
yes of course
and so with the end almost upon him adolf hitler begins the final decisions
of his life to prevent a last treachery by the duplicitous hindler
he will have the cyanide capsules left for him by the right sphere tested on his faithful dog blondie
[Music] then shortly after midnight he formally
marries his mistress [Music]
then later that night as he retires to his quarters to dictate his last will and
testament adolf hitler will state my wife and i choose to die in order to
escape the shame of overthrow or capitulation
[Music] moreover we
do not wish to fall into the hands of an enemy or requires a new spectacle
organized by the jews for the amusement of their hysterical classes
therefore it is my wish our wish
to be burnt immediately on the spot where i have performed the
greater heart of mind daily work with the service of my people
it will be four am before the supreme warlord finishes his political statement it
rambles from one subject to another he appoints admiral dernitz to succeed him at the head of the new reich
government he praises the common german soldier and again curses the general staff for having
betrayed him but in the end he will continue to hammer away at his one guiding obsession
the jews alone they are the responsibility not only for the millions dead on the
battlefield and in the bomb cities
but for their own fate which they fought on themselves
they started the war they caused misery and death to millions of europe's aryan
peoples therefore they
had to pay though my beings were far more
humane than they deserved i demand all germans all national
socialists men and women to the last he is the fanatical hate-filled street agitator he is proud
that he has never weakened and above all he will conclude i am joined the leaders of the nation
and those under them to uphold the racial laws to their full extent
[Music] and to oppose mercilessly
the universal poison of all peoples international
jury [Music]
and so in these last words adult hitler proudly confirms that although he had many accomplices
it was he himself who brought about the final solution
the following day april 30th 10 a.m advanced russian units penetrate to the
street next to the chancellery scant yards from the bunker the end of
the third reich can now be counted in hours
mindful as previously instructed i must now report that i am no longer
able to guarantee that the battle-worn and exhausted troops
who are still defending the citadella are able to hold on for a further 24
hours a final assault by a large number of
tanks can be anticipated no later than dawn tomorrow morning
is the first day of may you will no doubt appreciate my fury
the significance of this date for a russian soldier
yes i know
that is all thank you


War and Remembrance was very emotional - Ali could never have pulled it off. I loved watching Polly Burgen (?) play Rhoda and the fact that I wanted to shake her for her flighty, shallow lack of character. Just as there could be NO MAN who could have played Rhett Butler other than Gable, Pug Henry could have been played by NO Man but Mitchum. It has taken me the 4th time to watch this, to realize that Jan who played Byron Henry played him JUST right as he was JUST like Pug . What I considered a stiff performance the first 3 times, I realized was a to play him just as he was - the son of Pug - steady as a rock, observed his surroundings and then made logical decisions and acted without fear regardless of the consequences. I need to read the book after all these years.

Ah, Victoria Tennant ... when I first watched this series I fell in love with her (those magnificent, searching eyes!). Beyond the obvious, she was one of the better actors in this series, along with Polly Berger. Mitchum was wooden throughout, although he had his moments (and his Russian wasn’t bad at all!). I won’t talk about Jan Michael Vincent or Ally McGraw, other then to say they were dreadful.

An awesome series! Watching it for the second time. An incredible story written by Herman Wouk to begin with. Love the weaving of Henry family life into historical fact during WW2. Has everything, plus laughter and heartbreak, lol.
3 replies


1 year ago
Really great series. I watch it every couple of years. I watched it first as a young person and now as an older person. I marvel at that Greatest Generation who did what had to done. Thanks so much for making it available.


5 months ago
Great series and great story, The satellite tv where I live is showing this series now but it is too difficult to follow the way the channel jumbles up the episodes, so I decided to come to YouTube. Thanks for providing the entire series for me to "binge watch". Mitchum is an incredible actor who manages to pull off amazing scenes with only one facial expresion for the entire 15 hours....in fact Mitchum is noted for that in all his pictures and he wore it as a badge of honor. But....if you look quickly and closely....Mitchum almost manages a smile within the last 10 minutes of the series when his daughter-in-law suggests a cause for a celebration.
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2 replies


1 year ago
For anyone who really loves this series I highly suggest that you read the complete 2 volume set of, "The Winds of War." This 7 series mini series ends at the end of volume 1!! There is MUCH MUCH more to the story of the "Warrens!" Natalie, the baby, and her Uncle end up in a Nazi prison camp, Rhoda and Pug get a divorce, Warren goes missing in action, tons and tons of other things occur!!!

Each volume is over 700 pages of wonderful historically accurate detail and story interwoven that keep you turning page after page! I was given this 2 volume set as a graduation gift in 1976, and I treasure it!! Admittedly read it about once a decade, you will not regret the expense.

The Pearl Harbor attack scenes were filmed at Port Hueneme, CA about 30 miles up the coast from Malibu. I remember getting up on the roof of my house about an hour before sunset and seeing several Japanese Zeros flying overhead making a bombing run over the Port and then a lot of explosions going off on the ground. I was in high school at the time and during classes we could hear the Japanese Zeros flying overhead.

1 year ago
Before the president gave his speech and declared war on Japan, the British beat him too it and declared war on Japan first. Their reasoning was that in case Roosevelt wanted to negotiate to stop it,  the British declaration would prove too embarrassing for the USA not to declare war.. This attack provoked Churchill to say, " When this happened, I knew we had won!"
7 replies


1 year ago
Just think, this little tidbit of yours and 5 bucks will get you a Starbucks latte.


1 year ago
 @bill2953  WHo would wanna get a coffee...let alone a latte from star bucks?


1 year ago
 @iangrantham8300  Your wife...


1 year ago
 @bill2953  She's got more class than that! I mean she DID leave me...Just ONE little goat and they do that!


1 year ago
 @iangrantham8300  Told you to stick with sheep. lol


1 year ago
Churchill also stated that he knew that the war would be won when Germany attacked Russia. Also, that Chamberlain knew that Britain had already turned he corner before he died.


6 months ago
Also because the Japanese were threatening the British Empire in Asia notably Hong Kong, Malaya and Singapore.


3 years ago (edited)
Fairly interesting, as we are in Moscow for this episode... Victoria Tennant (Ms Tudbury): "Her mother, Irina Baronova, was a Russian prima ballerina who appeared with the Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo. Her maternal grandfather, Mikhail Baronov, was a senior officer in the Russian Navy; his wife, Lydia Vishniakova, was a general's daughter."