Beyond the Mask (2015) John Rhys-Davies | Andrew Cheney | Kara K
文章来源: TJKCB2023-10-07 17:02:51

Holy & Virtuous - love story about Redemption and Forgiveness.

This Cast made it a Classic, but the Script made it Epic. With so many diverse things combined with a beautiful love story about Redemption and Forgiveness. However, as a lover of Lighthouses, I was saddened to see it destroyed. And then there's that EIC which is still alive in America today in '23. 


2 months ago
The best part of this movie - @1:14:35 - 1:16:12, Clearest reference to the gospel in a Hollywood movie I have ever seen. The greatness and truth of the gospel of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, and NOT of works was expressed earlier so beautifully @ 1:09:36 - 1:10:55. Great movie!