Lonesome Dove vs. Top 10 cowboy movies
文章来源: TJKCB2023-09-26 10:46:39

Top 10 Westerns of All Time


Once Upon A Time in the West (1968)

The Ten Commandments with Charlton Heston, followed closely by

Terminator 2.

CineFix - IGN Movies and TV
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3,725,931 views Aug 8, 2017
It's time to put another genre on the ranking block. This week, we're talking about Westerns and how they've been remixed, reinterpreted, imported and exported from genre defining classics to tradition defying Post Westerns. The Picks 10 - The Searchers 9 - Shane 8 - Unforgiven 7 - Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid 6 - High Noon/Rio Bravo 5 - The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance 4 - McCabe and Mrs. Miller 3 - Once Upon a Time in the West 2 - Sukiyaki Western Django 1 - Star Wars (yup, Star Wars)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAMwmfkZ6_8 

The Big Country. Best acting and best actors. Best written and all the elements mentioned and then some. Best Music! Awesome scenes. Burl Ives deservedly won an Oscar for his complex portrayal. Gregory Peck, Charlton Heston, Jean Simmons, Carol Baker and a villainous Chuck Conners. Watch it and see for yourself.
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3 years ago (edited)
Can’t believe you left out Silverado. In the early 80’s, when everyone was saying that the western was a dieing art form, this movie came along and just about singlehandedly saved the genre. From the very start, to the finish, Lawrence Kasdan, with the help of an all star cast, and a majestic film score, brought us a rip snortin, shootem up that pulled the genre from the scrap heap, and reminded everyone just how much pure fun a western can be. The final showdown between Kevin Kline, the reluctant gunslinger with a heart of gold, and Brian Dennehy’s crooked town sheriff, with Kline’s backdrop - a church, and Dennehy’s - an empty semi desert, was the perfect metaphor for the fight between good and evil that nothing does better than the western. [] []
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1 year ago
I'm a huge fan of westerns. What I'm a fan of is John Ford/John Wayne in Stagecoach (1939) and The Searchers (1956), Henry Fonda in My Darling Clementine (1946) and The Ox Bow Incident (1943), and especially Clint Eastwood in The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly (1966), For A Few Dollars More (1965), and A Fistful of Dollars (1964). All of which are great movies.


3 years ago
The Westerner (1940) captures the humor and wit of real cowboy types. Walter Brennan received his third academy award for best supporting actor as Judge Roy Bean. This film stands the test of time better than most older westerns.


1 year ago
I realize it wasn't a movie, but a mini-series, but Lonesome Dove is the greatest western of all time. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll celebrate, and you will be thankful you saw it. It's a one-of-a-kind type of show that never gets old and stands the test of time. It's a love story, it's a friend's story, it's a taming the frontier story, it's a good guys vs bad guys story, and it's brutal picture of the old west and old times story. Never have I gone through ALL the extremes of emotion as I did watching Lonesome Dove. Nothing comes close.



1 year ago
I'm surprised Quigley Down Under didn't get a mention. A great example of a western story which takes place in another part of the world. It's classic all the way through with an awesome ending.
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6 years ago
The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly is hands down the best western and action movie of all time. It works on so many levels, its a heist movie, war movie, comedy movie, buddy movie, historical movie, quest movie all rolled into one with great characters and character interactions all played to one of the greatest most inventive musical scores ever composed. Star Wars has many of these same qualities and Once Upon A Time in the West may be more poetic, but you just can't beat the sheer entertainment and rewatchability factor of The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly. Clint Eastwood, Eli Wallach and Lee Van Cleef are quite possibly the coolest trio ever assembled on screen.



3 years ago (edited)
ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE WEST is the number 1 Western that has ever been made. The texture of it, the styling, the slow studied pacing, even the action is artistically drawn. It has superb tension throughout the film without horror gimmicks or fast cut chases. The music, the sound effects, characterization, visuals, situations, all work together to achieve the tension. Leone used the juxtaposition of power and vulnerability to create threat. All with classic Italian romance where it has to look good. The film is a work of art and is superior to all the rest in my humble opinion.
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1 year ago
"C'era una volta il West", "il buono, il brutto e il cattivo ", "per un pugno di dollari " e "per qualche dollaro in più ", sono capolavori in assoluto senza tempo del grande genio Sergio Leone e con musica straordinaria del genio, mitico e immortale Ennio Morricone, due leggende...
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6 months ago (edited)
Not necessarily a fan of every choice, but very fond of the process used to come up with the list. Breaking down Westerns into subcategories allowed the creator to showcase many films beyond the 10 and defend their picks from the subcategories. Additionally, the creator of the list gets around the most obvious weakness of the approach (more than one movie in a category belonging on the list), by introducing a tie in that category…. Brilliant!
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3 years ago
I know it’s not a film but it’s a damn shame that Lonesome Dove isn’t on this list. I think it revived the genre going into the early 90’s.


2 years ago (edited)
Rio Bravo, The Searchers, River of No Return, Young Guns and Tombstone are my personal Top 5. Spent a lot of time as a kid watching Westerns with my Dad. Great memories.



I am a huge Star Wars fan, it is actually my favorite movie ever, but It definitely does not deserve to be on this list over movies like the Good the Bad and the Ugly
Once Upon A Time in the West is a movie that can never be remade. Fonda, Robards and Bronson are irreplaceable with any actors today.
Of course Star Wars is the best western of all time. Just like the Good The Bad and The Ugly is the best science fiction movie ever.