Sincerity - “acknowledge and explain”
文章来源: TJKCB2018-05-21 14:26:23

“acknowledge and explain” - Trust but verify
 George Burns: “Sincerity — if you can fake that, you’ve got it made.”

Sincerity - born with you, impression at first sight - bonding at hand-shaking - lucky you ...

 Harrison Monarth, co-author of The Confident Speaker, who advises in an article for Harvard Business Review to “wrap your vision in a story that fires the imagination and stirs the soul”.

Sam Leith’s excellent advice, in his collected Art of Persuasion columns for the FT

 Tony Blair, the former UK prime minister, in adopting a relentless tone of reasonableness and candour. As variously attributed to Groucho Marx and George Burns: “Sincerity — if you can fake that, you’ve got it made.”


What Shakespeare can teach Zuckerberg about drama

The Facebook founder needs help to pull off a convincing narrative under pressure
  1. abandon or mitigate a harsh intention or cruel treatment.
    "she was going to refuse his request, but relented"
    synonyms: change one's mind, backpedal, do a U-turn, back down, give way/in, capitulate; More
    • (especially of bad weather) become less severe or intense.
      "by evening the rain relented"
      synonyms: ease off/up, slacken, let up, abate, drop, die down, lessen, decrease, subside, weaken
      "the rain has relented"