费米悖论, 黑暗森林法则
文章来源: TJKCB2017-01-25 15:15:55


叢林法則The Law of the Jungle),是描述人類社會的詞語。和弱肉強食及“狗咬狗”同意。指的是所有人自私自利,靠暴力或商業競爭贏過其他人,不在乎法治和公平,競爭力較差的人就被淘汰。





Self-evident Truth:
1.The first demand of every civilization is to survive.
2.In order to survive and develop,every civilization has to contiuously increase their strength and expand ,however,the whole amount of the substabce in the universe never changes.


举报|2楼2012-01-02 23:14
The suspicious chain  
1.Every civilization is unable to judge wether the other one is kind or evil.
2.Every civilization is unable to judge how the other one thinks of you,kind or evil.
3.Every civilization is unable to judge wether the one will strikes you without declaration.
4.Every civilization is unable to judge how the other one treat you,in kindness or not.
5..Every civilization is unable to judge how the other one thinks of you,are you kind or not.  

举报|3楼2012-01-02 23:29
Technological Explosition 
The speed and acceleration of a civilization's progress is not always in the same,a weak civilization has much possibility to surpass a strong one in a short period.

举报|4楼2012-01-03 19:36
Dark Forest Rule  
宇宙就是一座黑暗森林,每个文明都是带枪的猎人,像幽灵般潜行于林间,轻轻拨开挡路的树枝,竭力不让脚步发出一点儿声音,连呼吸都必须小心翼翼:他必须小心,因为林中到处都有与他一样潜行的猎人,如果他发现了别的生命,能做的只有一件事:开枪消灭之。在这片森林中,他人就是地狱,就是永恒的威胁,任何暴露自己存在的生命都将很快被消灭,这就是宇宙文明的图景,这就是对费米悖论的解释。   被发现,即被毁灭!
Our universe is a dark forest,every civilization is a huntor carrying guns walks secretly in the forest like a ghost ,he softly pushes the branches aside and tries his best to avoid any sounds under his foot as well as breathing carefully.He must be catious for the reason that there are others walking like him in the forest.If he finds any life, then the only thing he will do is to shoot and kill it.In this forest,other men are hell that means they are perminent threat,any life expose themselves will be destoryed,that is the image of outer civilization,the explanation to the Fermi paradox.Scarecely had been detected,you were destoryed!


编辑 锁定

1950年的一天,诺贝尔奖获得者、物理学家费米在和别人讨论飞碟及外星人问题时,突然冒出一句:“他们都在哪儿呢?”这句看似简单的问话,就是著名的“费米悖论”。 “费米悖论”隐含之意是,理论上讲,人类能用100万年的时间飞往银河系各个星球,那么,外星人只要比人类早进化100万年,现在就应该来到地球了。换言之,“费米悖论”表明了这样的悖论:A.外星人是存在的——科学推论可以证明,外星人的进化要远早于人类,他们应该已经来到地球并存在于某处了;B.外星人是不存在的——迄今为止,人类并未发现任何有关外星人存在的蛛丝马迹。[1]  阐述的是对地外文明存在性的过高估计和缺少相关证据之间的矛盾。

Fermi paradox

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This article is about the absence of evidence for extraterrestrial intelligence. For the type of estimation problem, see Fermi problem.
"Where is everybody" redirects here. For the Twilight Zone episode, see Where Is Everybody? For the television production company, see Where's Everybody.
A graphical representation of the Arecibo message—Humanity's first attempt to use radio waves to actively communicate its existence to alien civilizations

The Fermi paradox or Fermi's paradox, named after physicist Enrico Fermi, is the apparent contradiction between the lack of evidence and high probability estimates, e.g., those given by the Drake equation, for the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations.[1] The basic points of the argument, made by physicists Enrico Fermi (1901–1954) and Michael H. Hart (born 1932), are:

  • There are billions of stars in the galaxy that are similar to the Sun,[2][3] many of which are billions of years older than Earth.[4][5]
  • With high probability, some of these stars will have Earth-like planets,[6][7] and if the Earth is typical, some might develop intelligent life.
  • Some of these civilizations might develop interstellar travel, a step the Earth is investigating now.
  • Even at the slow pace of currently envisioned interstellar travel, the Milky Way galaxy could be completely traversed in a few million years.[8]

According to this line of reasoning, the Earth should have already been visited by extraterrestrial aliens. In an informal conversation, Fermi noted no convincing evidence of this, leading him to ask, "Where is everybody?"[9][10] There have been many attempts to explain the Fermi paradox,[11][12] primarily suggesting either that intelligent extraterrestrial life is extremely rare, or proposing reasons that such civilizations have not contacted or visited Earth.


very idealistic title: 陋室阅万卷,足下行千里

It sounds so traditional, so classic, so up-on-the-moon, that you may find it's worthy fighting for in the end !

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