Price worked as a teacher of applied mathematics at Raffles College (which was to become part of the University of Singapore in 1948). It was there that he formulated his theory on the exponential growth of science, an idea that occurred to him when he noticed the characteristic log curve of the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society between 1665 and 1850, which he had stacked against his wall at home while Raffles College had its library built.
After three years, Price returned to England to work on a second Ph.D., in the history of science, this time at the University of Cambridge. During his Ph.D. studies, he accidentally discovered Equatorie of the Planetis, a manuscript written in Middle English, which he attributed to Geoffrey Chaucer.
Around 1950, Price adopted his mother's Sephardic name, "de Solla", as a middle name. He was a "British Atheist... from a rather well-known Sephardic Jewish family", and although his Danish wife, Ellen, had been christened as a Lutheran, he did not, according to their son Mark, regard their marriage as "mixed", because they were both atheists.[3]
After obtaining his second doctorate, Price moved to the United States, where he served as a consultant to the Smithsonian Institution, and as a fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. His next post was at Yale University, where he worked until his death, serving as the Avalon Professor of the History of Science, and as chair of a new department that encompassed the histories of science, technology, and medicine.
In 1984, Price received, posthumously, the ASIS Research Award for outstanding contributions in the field of information science.
studies of the exponential growth of science and the half-life of scientific literature; together with the formulation of Price's Law, namely that 25% of scientific authors are responsible for 75% of published papers (Price 1963);
quantitative studies of the network of citations between scientific papers (Price 1965), including the discovery that both the in- and out-degrees of a citation network have power-law distributions, making this the first published example of a scale-free network;
Price's model, a mathematical theory of the growth of citation networks, based on what would now be called a preferential attachment process (Price 1976);[4]
"Mechanical Waterclocks of the 14th Century in Fez, Morocco", in Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress of the History of Science (Ithaca, N.Y, 1962), Paris: Hermann, pp. 599–602 (1962)
"Nations can Publish or Perish", in International Science and Technology70 84-90 (1967)
"Citation Measures of Hard Science, Soft Science, Technology, and Nonscience", in Nelson, C. E. & Pollock, D.K. (eds.), Communication among Scientists and Engineers, Lexington, MA: D.C. Heath and Company, pp. 3–22 (1970).
Jump up ^The technical elements of Price's treatment relied heavily upon previous work by Herbert Simon, but Price was the first to apply the idea to the growth of a network.
Jump up ^De Solla Price, D. J. (1969). "Citations of literature". Acta cytologica13 (10): 544. PMID5260004.
Jump up ^De Solla Price, D. J. (1967). "Citation indexing". Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry15 (5): 299. PMID6033265.
Jump up ^De Solla Price, D. J. (1967). "A guide to graduate study and research in the history of science and medicine". Isis; an international review devoted to the history of science and its cultural influences58 (3): 385–395. doi:10.1086/350271. PMID4867473.
Jump up ^Price, Derek J. de Solla (1975). Science since Babylon. New Haven, Conn: Yale University Press. ISBN0-300-01797-9.
Jump up ^Gillispie, C. C. (1961). "Science Since Babylon. Derek J. de Solla Price. Yale University Press, New Haven, Conn., 1961. 149 pp. $4.50". Science133 (3467): 1817–1812. doi:10.1126/science.133.3467.1817.
Jump up ^Price, Derek J. de Solla (1963). Little science, big science. New York: Columbia University Press. ISBN0-231-08562-1.
科学学(The Science of Science)是以科学整体为研究对象的一门科学,其目的在于揭示科学的本质及其发展规律。科学学作为一门独立学科是从二十世纪二、三十年代开始的。1925年,波兰社会学家F.兹纳涅茨基首先提出“科学学”一词。并提出建立“科学学”学科问题。1929年波兰逻辑学家J.科塔尔宾斯基又提出了“科学的科学”一语,他的学生奥索夫斯基夫妇于1935年发表了《科学的科学》一文。论述了这门科学的研究范围包括科学哲学、理论、分类和方法论、科学心理学、科学社会学、科学组织、科学史等。次年,该文被译成英文发表,“科学的科学”的英文用词“The Science of Science”沿用至今。同时,原苏联也出现了早期的科学学文献。1926年,原苏联学者鲍里切夫斯基发表论文《科学学是一门精密科学》,指出科学学理论研究内容分为两大类:一是对科学内部本质的研究,二是科学外部社会作用的研究。1931年苏联学者格森在伦敦召开的第二届国际科学史大会上宣读论文《牛顿力学的社会经济根源》,开创了从社会方面研究自然科学发展动力的先例。1935年,美国学者默顿发表论文《十七世纪英格兰的科学技术与社会》、《社会理论与社会结构》、《科学与社会制度》,开创了科学社会学研究的先例。从三十年代未到六十年代初,英国学者J.贝尔纳、美国学者D.普赖斯等,对科学学进行较系统的理论研究,先后发表了《科学的社会功能》(贝尔纳,1939)、《科学与社会》(贝尔纳,1953)、《历史上的科学》(贝尔纳,1954)、《巴比伦以来的科学》(普赖斯,1961)、《小科学、大科学》(普赖斯,1963)等著作。奠定了科学学理论基础。之后,美国的库恩、英国的齐曼又在前人的基础上进一步把科学学理论研究推向一个新的阶段。并分别著有《科学革命的结构》(库恩,1963)、《共公知识――科学知识的社会范畴》(齐曼,1976)等等。近年来,原苏联和东欧国家重点推进应用科学学研究,强调科学预测与决策,科学组织与管理等等。主要致力于科学学理论的应用。科学学研究在我国也正在深入进行,我国学者近年来也相继出版了《科学学纲要》(何钟秀等,1981)、《科学学教程》(田夫等,1982)《科学学基础》(夏禹龙等,1983)等著作,同时也发表了大量科学学方面的论文和论著。
技术学(The Science of Technology)是以技术整体为对象的一门科学。其目的在于揭示技术的本质及其发展规律。技术学在近代工业革命之后就为人们专门研究。德国的贝克曼、玻佩和英国的尤卡曾分别写出了《技术学入门》、《发明史》、《工艺学历史》、《技术辞典》、《工厂哲学》等著作。1977年,德国地质学家E.卡普尔写作出了《技术学纲要》一书,提出了技术的“人体器官投影说”,认为技术是人体器官的结构与功能在外界的投影。1927年,德国工程师F.戴沙沃在《技术哲学》中提出“第四王国理论”,主张自然法测、合目的的加工,创造的目的三种要素相结合,就是发明,就是技术。卡普尔和戴沙沃的观点构成德国技术学研究的两大学派。二十世纪三十年代,以哲学家卢坂润为代表的杨川春喜、武谷三男、星野芳朗、中村静治、三村博晋等日本学者都是以技术论、技术学为名称对技术作整体研究的,并分别著有《技术和科技政策》、《技术论论战史》、《技术学入门》、《技术的哲学》等。第二次世界大战之后,技术哲学也传到美、英等国。在美国出版了《技术史与技术哲学》、《技术哲学论文集》、《分析的技术哲学》等著作。对技术的概念、技术的本质属性、技术的发展动力机制、技术的结构与功能、技术设计、方法论以及技术的发展规律等问题进行较深入的研究。近几十年来,除德国外,西方其它国家的技术学研究也相当活跃。法国主要集中研究技术的历史发展、技术与文化、技术与社会的关系等问题。美国技术学研究偏重于技术价值论、技术伦理学、现化技术发展史等等。70年代,国际上召开了一系列学术会议讨论技术问题,发表了一大批论文和专著。现在意大利、荷兰、西班牙、丹麦等国也在积极开展技术学研究。目前,原苏联及东欧一些国家,还有亚洲一些国家(南朝鲜、印度等)也开始了技术学研究。技术学研究在我国也正方兴未艾。我国学者近年来也相继出版《技术论》(陈昌曙等,1985)、《技术学导论》(邓树增等,1987)、《技术学引论》(罗匡等,1989)等著作,同时也发表了大量的技术学方面的论文和论著。
科学技术学(The Science of Science & technology)是把科学技术作为一个完整体系,研究科学技术的本质及其发展规律的一门综合科学。把科学技术作为一个完整的体系进行研究目前已成为国内外科学技术问题研究的一个重要趋势。因此,关于科学技术学(科技学)的学科建设等问题也随之引起学术界的重视,但由于科学技术学作为一门独立学科被提出来只是近些年的事,有关学科建设还有很多方面不够成熟。尽管如此,近年来,国内外还是相继出版了《科学技术论》、《科学技术哲学》、《科学技术学》等方面的不少专著。同时也发表了一些与科学技术学研究相关的学术论文和论著。然而,过去把科学技术学作为一门独立学科提出并未获得学术界的一致赞同,原因是很多学者的工作只是把科学学与技术学简单地罗列在一起,即在编写专著的过程中往往是一方面先讲科学学(科学论,科学哲学),另一方面再来介绍技术学(技术论,技术哲学),并没有真正将科学学(科学论,科学哲学)与技术学(技术论,技术哲学)等有机地结合在一起,并形成一个完整学科体系。从学科理论上讲,很多方面的工作仅仅只是一种意向性研究,既没有回答整体科学技术的本质及其基本属性问题,也没有回答整体科学技术发展的机制与规律问题。这种学科结构上的不严密,学术理论上的不规范,研究方式上的不严谨很难使科学技术学在学科建设上取得突破性进展。因此,过去人们把科学技术学作为一门独立学科提出来自然叫人一时难以接受。不过随着现代科学技术一体化(科学技术化,技术科学化,科技社会化,社会科技化)进程的发展;随着科学技术体系不断地高度分化与高度综合;随着人们对总体科学技术的本质及其发展规律的深入研究与揭示;科学技术学作为一门独立的新兴学科最终是会被学术界所确认,并且可以预测,随着科学技术学这门新兴学科的兴起,其对日后科学技术事业的发展将会产生一定的积极影响。
随着21世纪的到来,科学技术又开始从“大科学技术”时代向“超大科学技术”时代迈进。“超大科技”将成为21世纪人类社会科技创新时代科学技术发展的主流。21世纪将是超大科技大发展的世纪,也可以说是超大科技时代(后D.普赖斯时代),还可以称之谓是一个超常规科学技术时代,超常规科技也可以说是指孕育时期的科学技术,这些科学技术的一个最重要特征就是它的原创性。超大科学技术可以看成是原创性科学技术,这种类型的科学技术还有一个很重要的特征就是它的交叉性、边缘性、横向性和综合性。超大科学技术可以看成是大量的交叉科学技术、边缘科学技术、横向科学技术和综合科学技术的总称。因为这些科学技术正孕育着一个全新科学技术时代的到来。“超大科技”理念的建立将对未来决策者制订宏、微观科技、经济与社会发展政策具有广泛深远的意义。未来人们将更加鼓励科技创新,特别是原始创新性研究。对孕育时期的科学技术进行积极保护和扶持。与此同时也将坚决地与伪科学技术和反科学技术现象作斗争。因为在超大科技时代,大量的伪科技现象泛滥,它们往往打着所谓“超常规科技”的旗子,实际干着反科技的事情,它们鱼目混珠,欺骗群众,对社会发展造成极大的危害。所以,超(大)科技时代,人们与伪科技和反科技现象的斗争应是坚决的、彻底的和毫不留情的。只有这样,真正的超(大)科技才能在孕育中健康成长。超(大)科技时代也是一个科学技术与经济、社会发展的多元化时代。在科技研究与开发方面,它不同于小科技时代(个人行为)、大科技时代(政府行为)的一个最显著特征,就在于其是政府行为、个人行为、私营行为、企业行为、社会行为、团体行为、跨国企业、科技基金会等等多方面有机结合。超大科技(Super Science and technology)时代科技发展主要特征是科技发展遵循“双S曲线规律”。大众创业,万众创新,中国应在超大科技时代发挥更大作用,我们认为21世纪超大科技时代将是以未来中国的科技发展模式为代表。
随着二十一世纪“超大科技时代”的到来,一个更加全面研究与反思科学技术问题的学科--科学技术学(The Science of Science & technology)就自然产生了。它的出现意味着对科学技术研究的更加深入,更加了解,更加全面,更加透彻。由此可以看出,科学技术学(The Science of Science & technology)就是“超大科学技术”时代的产物。
科学技术学(The Science of Science & Technology)是科学学与技术学有机统一的科学。科学学与技术学是如何统一的?他们彼此之间统一的理论根据在哪里?如何才能做到有机的统一而不是一般简单式的相加?为了回答这些问题,我开始在前人工作的基础上,对科学技术的本质及其发展规律以及科技与社会的相互关系等问题进行更深入地理论研究和反思,并选择我所熟悉和专长的生物科学模式来做此项努力。通过努力,近些年来在科学技术学学科建设及其基础理论研究方面主要做了以下几项理论探索:
什么是科技创新指数(Science and technology innovation index,STII)?所谓科技创新指数,简单说就是指科技人员在科技创新过程中,科技成果创新度的大小与引用率成正比;与重复率成反比。这样就形成了一个比值,这个比值再乘一个100%所形成的一个数值就是科技创新指数。用数学公式表述如下:
关于“科学技术学”学科名词翻译问题,其实这并不是一个什么学术问题,但我觉得有必要谈点我的看法。我认为“科学技术学”一词应翻译成:“The Science of Science & Technology”。这样翻译一方面比较符合这一词汇的实际意思,另一方面则更显中国科学技术学的学科特色。我的这种译法是直接从科学学(The Science of Science)与技术学(The Science of technology)延伸过来的。当然现在国内学术界有人为了更好地与国际学术界进行学术交流和学术接轨,将科学技术学翻译成Science & Technology Studies(或将Science & Technology Studies翻译成科学技术学)也是可以的,不过我觉得最好还是应将“科学技术学”翻译成:“The Science of Science & Technology”,即“科学技术的科学”。根据我的译法,诸如:北京大学科学技术学系可以翻译成Department for the Science of Science & Technology, Peking University;北京大学科学技术学研究所则可以翻译成Institution for the Science of Science & Technology ,Peking University ;北京大学科学技术学研究中心可以翻译成Center for the Science of science & technology,Peking University。在我看来,这样翻译才能比较准确地表达科学技术学这门学科名词的实际意思。
从科学学学科发展的历史上看,早期国际科学学家曾用“ Science studies”表示过“科学学”学科名称,后来由于种种原因,J.贝尔纳和D.普赖斯等人觉得不太好,并根据波兰学者的意见,将此类学科的名称确定为“Science of science”,即所谓“科学的科学”,后来他们还集体出了一本书(论文集),就取名叫“科学的科学(science of science)。这本书曾被我国学者赵红洲先生和蒋国华先生共同翻译成中文,由科学出版社出版。“科学的科学”即是我国学者过去提出的“科学学”。现在国外学者又将技术问题纳入研究范围,提出“Science & Technology Studies”。据此,我们中国学者又随之将其翻译成“科学技术学”,这从某种情况讲也是可以接受的,但同样出现D.普赖斯先生等人过去所遇到的种种类似问题。因此,我想我们现在也完全可以按照D.普赖斯等人的思路将“Science & Technology Studies”更名为“The Science of Science & Technology”,即“科学技术的科学”即“科学技术学”。并将“科学技术学”翻译成 “The Science of Science & Technology”。我的这一译法,清华大学曾国屏先生曾在全国科学技术学学术研讨会期间与我私下交流过意见,他告诉我,他曾将我的这种译法与国外学者交流过,国外学者认为我的这种译法有“王中王”之嫌,这样不利于学术平等交流,我觉得国外学者提出这种看法是有一定道理的,因此,目前大家应慎用。不过,从科学技术学学科建设的中国特色角度上讲,我们今后可不可以造一个新词来表达“科学技术学”。如果真要造一个具有中国特色“科学技术学”学科名词,在这里我建议造一个新词“Scitechics”来表达“科学技术学”。即将“Sci”表示“科学”,将“Tech”表示“技术”,将“-ics”表示为“学”,这三个方面的结合(Sci-tech-ics)就是Scitechics。这从某种意义上讲也比较符合英文的造词规范。我的这个想法曾发电子邮件给北大刘华杰先生,也在全国科学技术学学术会议上私下与科大徐飞先生谈过。他们既没有表示赞同,也没有表示反对,我想在这里是否可以提出来由大家共同讨论讨论。我本人不是英语构词专家,在这里如果闹出笑话请广大同仁们见谅。
(1)在国外与科技学研究相关的学会组织主要有:国际科学史与科学哲学联合会(International Union of the History and Philosophy of Science,IUHPS)、国际科学计量学与信息计量学会(The International society of Scientometrics and Informetrics, ISSI)、国际科学哲学学会、国际科学史学会、美国科学史学会、英国科学史学会、美国科学社会学会等等。它们所从事的学术研究领域主要是:“Science & Technology Studies”、“Science,Technology & Society”、“ Philosophy of Science ”、“ History of science & technology”、“Science of science”、“Informatics of science and technology ”等等。
综上内容,我们可以看出,它们都是把科学技术作为对象在进行研究,不过都是在从各自学科的不同角度研究科学技术问题。因此,从各自专业方面看,由于各学科的侧重点不一样,它们对科学技术问题的研究相对来说就比较专业、比较独立;但从总的方面看,国内外就科学技术整体问题的研究就显的比较散,也比较乱,没有比较完整的学科规范结构,学科框架也不严密,学科内容也不完整。尽管国内外学术界曾想通过自然辩证法(科学技术哲学)研究(国内)和Science &Technology Studies(国外)克服这种局面,但到目前看来均未获得真正成功。不过我想随着时间的推移,国内外这方面的研究将会朝着学科综合化、交叉化、横向化、边缘化方向发展,同时也将会朝着学科规范化、严密化、整体化、系统化方向发展。而这种综合化、交叉化、横向化、边缘化、规范化、严密化、整体化、系统化发展的结果,必然导致一门研究总体科学技术问题的新兴学科—-科学技术学(The Science of Science & Technology)的产生,因此创建科学技术学将成为未来国际科学技术研究事业的必然趋势和最终选择。到了一定的时候,科学技术学(The Science of Science & Technology)在国内外学术界就会自然名正言顺,顺理成章地发展起来。因此,现在科学技术学事业发展的一切努力就是要加速自然辩证法(科学技术哲学)的现代化(国内)和加速“Science and Technology Studies”的现代化(国外)。只有它们的现代化才会有科学技术学事业的合法化。在我看来,科学技术学事业的发展将会以一种全新的理念和全新的理论模式向前拓进,这个理念和模式就是生命科学(信息科学)。21世纪是生命科学(信息科学)的世纪,生命科学将成为带头学科。生命科学(信息科学)的理念替代物理学理念将成为历史发展的必然趋势。我认为科学技术学研究从一开始就要重视理论创新,这非常重要。科学技术学事业不能仅仅靠写几篇介绍科学技术学方面的文章就了事。如果这样做在学术上就是一种浮燥的表现,对科技学学科的发展就是一种不负责的做法。这样做是不可能给科学技术学事业带来永久生命力的。国内的自然辩证法研究就是因为没有相应的理论规范的构建,而在学科发展过程中遇到学科建设上的重大危机。我想国外的Science and Technology Studies也会与中国的自然辩证法研究情况一样遇到这个问题。当然危机不是什么坏事,正是有这种危机才促成科学技术学学科的迅速诞生。不过我认为科学技术学事业的发展一定要汲取上述学科发展的教训,少走弯路,从一开始就要加强基础理论研究和学科规范的建设,这样才能给科学技术学事业的发展带来长久的生命力。现在很多人并不知道科技学学科的发展将对未来科技事业产生什么影响,更不知道它将对未来自然科学与社会科学研究的发展产生何种影响。随着科学技术学事业的发展,人们会逐步地意识到这们学科的重大理论意义。作为科技学工作者有责任和有义务做此宣传。但要善意地,有耐心地与相关学科和非相关学科方面的专家进行沟通,这样才能引起人们的兴趣和重视,建立学科认同感。否则将会遇到各种非议和责难,从而影响科学技术学学科的健康发展。
Make arduous efforts for found and develop of the science of science and technology
Abstract The development of science and technology has gone to a very important historical period. The tide of the modern revolution of science and technology is lashing before the way had no every aspect of present world. In 21 century, say with it that is the times of knowledge economy , have better to still say that is the economic times of science and technology. " science and technology is the genome collection of illustrative plates of human social civilized evolution ". The reconstructed influence of expressing of the information system of science and technology ( social genome ) for human social politics and economic, cultural life is extremely important. It as if each that has decided human social civilized development as gene aspect. If say biological genome ( DNA and RNA information system ), have decided the metabolism of biological organism , is hereditary to be with variation, evolve and break up , reproduction and growth; So social genome ( scientific and technical information system ) have decided the metabolism of social organism , heredity and variation are evolved and broken up , reproduction and growth. Therefore each significant breakthrough of science and technology will inevitably be wanted for human social politics and economy , culture and so on aspect produce extremely profound influence; For economic foundation, production relation and the productivity of human society , the transform of superstructure produce extremely important role. The innovation of science and technology has become the at all source power of human social civilized evolution development. Along with the development of modern science and technology as well as science and technology melt , the technical scientific socialization and social science and technology of science and technology melt , are studied scientifically with technology study the it and essence that can not already reveal overall science and technology accurately develop law. With the development of modern science and technology,and its.come to a comprehensive science study with the technical burgeoning subject - science and technology that studied study will emerge as the times require. It's appearance certain can for the future cause of science and technology develop maximum carry role forward.
Keywords Science of science and technology,Science of science,Science of technology ,The information system of science and technology,subject built,A level subject
Thanks so much for letting me know your publication, informative, inspirational, and eye-opening. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962; second edition 1970; abbreviated SSR) is a book about the history of science by philosopher Thomas S. Kuhn, whose influence that last more than 50 years. Nothing has surpassed Kuhn's theory - your effort thus is much appreciated.
I'd like to suggest that linking to human genome is novel; however, it's somewhat not well settled. That's because we don't know much about genome yet. Copied below, I'd see some room of improvement in English for its logic, coherence, and clarity. I admit your Chinese version is much better in its logic, coherence, and clarity than in English version.
~~ Make arduous efforts for found and develop of the science of science and technology
Abstract The development of science and technology has gone to a very important historical period. The tide of the modern revolution of science and technology is lashing before the way had no every aspect of present world. In 21 century, say with it that is the times of knowledge economy , have better to still say that is the economic times of science and technology. " science and technology is the genome collection of illustrative plates of human social civilized evolution ". The reconstructed influence of expressing of the information system of science and technology ( social genome ) for human social politics and economic, cultural life is extremely important. It as if each that has decided human social civilized development as gene aspect. If say biological genome ( DNA and RNA information system ), have decided the metabolism of biological organism , is hereditary to be with variation, evolve and break up , reproduction and growth; So social genome ( scientific and technical information system ) have decided the metabolism of social organism , heredity and variation are evolved and broken up , reproduction and growth. Therefore each significant breakthrough of science and technology will inevitably be wanted for human social politics and economy , culture and so on aspect produce extremely profound influence; For economic foundation, production relation and the productivity of human society , the transform of superstructure produce extremely important role. The innovation of science and technology has become the at all source power of human social civilized evolution development. Along with the development of modern science and technology as well as science and technology melt , the technical scientific socialization and social science and technology of science and technology melt , are studied scientifically with technology study the it and essence that can not already reveal overall science and technology accurately develop law. With the development of modern science and technology,and its.come to a comprehensive science study with the technical burgeoning subject - science and technology that studied study will emerge as the times require. It's appearance certain can for the future cause of science and technology develop maximum carry role forward.
Keywords Science of science and technology,Science of science,Science of technology ,The information system of science and technology,subject built, A level subject
博主回复(2016-7-18 16:46):First of all ,I would like to thank you for your comments on my article. If I give you an open vision, I will be very happy. You say T. Kuhn “the structure of Scientific Revolution ”50 years, the theory of no one can shake, my theory is also the development and supplement of its the theory. The effect of norms, conventional science and so on concept for me is great, I am proposing unconventional science (Super Science) is the development and supplement of its the theory. The development and supplement cause I found double S curve. The double S curve law is development and breakthrough for D. price of more than 50 years ago of “little science, big Science” theory. Because of the “lettl science, big science is based on the exponential curve and the S curve, the theory on the basis of scientific theory lettle science and big science. My super science theory was established on the basis of the double S curve. The two S curve is my achievements in life science and medical research.