文章来源: 北美中原2018-06-20 12:42:37



SECRETARY POMPEO: Good afternoon. The Trump administration is committed to protecting and promoting the God-given dignity and freedom of every human being. Every individual has rights that are inherent and inviolable. They are given by God, and not by government. Because of that, no government must take them away.

国务卿彭佩奥:下午好。特朗普政府致力于保护和促进每一个人上帝所赋予的尊严和自由。这个权利是每一个人与生俱来的和不可侵犯的。他们是上帝赐予的, 而不是政府施舍的。正因为如此, 任何政府都无权把它剥夺。

For decades, the United States has led global efforts to promote human rights, often through multilateral institutions. While we have seen improvements in certain human rights situations, for far too long we have waited while that progress comes too slowly or in some cases never comes. Too many commitments have gone unfulfilled.

几十年来, 美国一直努力通过多边机构促进全球的人权状况。虽然我们看到某些人权情况的改善, 长期以来我们也一直在等待, 然而整体上,进展实在太慢,  在很多方面,甚至就从来都没有改变。太多的承诺根本就没有兑现。

President Trump wants to move the ball forward. From day one, he has called out institutions or countries who say one thing and do another. And that’s precisely the problem at the Human Rights Council. As President Trump said at the UN General Assembly: “It is a massive source of embarrassment to the United Nations that some governments with egregious human rights records sit on the Human Rights Council.”

特朗普总统想改变目前这个停滞的现状,把事情向前推进。从他上任的第一天起, 他就指出了一些机构或国家, 他们嘴上说一套, 但实际上做另一套。这恰恰就是目前这个人权理事会的症结所在。正如特朗普总统在联合国大会上所说的: “联合国的一个让人感到羞耻或者尴尬的地方就是: 一些人权记录上声名狼藉的政府偏偏坐在人权理事会上。”

We have no doubt that there was once a noble vision for this council. But today, we need to be honest – the Human Rights Council is a poor defender of human rights.

我们从不怀疑,这个理事会曾经有着一个崇高的理念与视野。但今天, 我们不得不诚实地面对现实——-这个所谓的人权理事会实际上已经沦落成了世界人权的一个糟糕的捍卫者。

Worse than that, the Human Rights Council has become an exercise in shameless hypocrisy – with many of the world’s worst human rights abuses going ignored, and some of the world’s most serious offenders sitting on the council itself.

更糟糕的是, 人权理事会甚至已经堕落成了一个无耻的虚伪的助纣为虐者————现状是世界上许多最严重的侵犯人权的行为被忽视, 反而一些世界上最严重的臭名昭著的人权罪犯就坐在理事会里。

The only thing worse than a council that does almost nothing to protect human rights is a council that covers for human rights abuses and is therefore an obstacle to progress and an impediment to change. The Human Rights Council enables abuses by absolving wrongdoers through silence and falsely condemning those who have committed no offense. A mere look around the world today demonstrates that the council has failed in its stated objectives.

甚至比该理事会无所作为更糟糕的是他们不仅仅无所作为,这个理事会已经堕落成了侵犯人权行为的掩护与帮凶,因此它已经成为了人权状况进步的障碍, 也是我们长期以来寻求的变革的阻碍。这个目前的人权理事会通过对施虐者的沉默纵容或者对没有过错一方的错误谴责,使侵犯人权的行为大行其道。今天, 仅仅瞟一眼目前的世界人权现状就可以明白该理事会在其既定目标上的一败涂地。

Its membership includes authoritarian governments with unambiguous and abhorrent human rights records, such as China, Cuba, and Venezuela.

该理事会的成员包括具有明确的令人憎恶的人权记录的专制威权政府, 如中国、古巴和委内瑞拉。

There is no fair or competitive election process, and countries have colluded with one another to undermine the current method of selecting members.

没有公平或竞争性的选举进程可言, 各成员国之间相互勾结, 破坏目前选择成员的方法。

And the council’s continued and well-documented bias against Israel is . Since its creation, the council has adopted more resolutions condemning Israel than against the rest of the world combined.

该理事会对以色列的持续和记录在案的偏见是不合良知也不合情理的。自成立以来, 该理事会通过了谴责以色列的决议, 超过了对世界所有其他国家的总和。


The United States has no opposition in principle to multilateral bodies working to protect human rights. We desire to work with our allies and partners on this critical objective that reflects America’s commitment to freedom.

美国原则上不反对致力于保护人权的多边机构。我们希望与我们的盟友和合作伙伴就这一至关重要的目标进行合作, 这反映了美国对自由的承诺。

But when organizations undermine our national interests and our allies, we will not be complicit. When they seek to infringe on our national sovereignty, we will not be silent.

但是, 当组织或者机构破坏我们的国家利益和我们的盟友时, 我们拒绝沆瀣一气。当他们企图侵犯我们的国家主权时, 我们不会沉默。

The United States – which leads the world in humanitarian assistance, and whose service members have sacrificed life and limb to free millions from oppression and tyranny – will not take lectures form hypocritical bodies and institution as Americans selflessly give their blood and treasure to help the defenseless.

美国——-一直在人道主义援助中引领世界, 其服务成员牺牲生命和肢体, 使千百万人免于压迫和暴政——将不会和那些伪善的机构和组织同流合污,尤其是当美国人民无私地给予他们的鲜血和财富来帮助手无寸铁的人的时候。

Ambassador Haley has spent more than a year trying to reform the Human Rights Council.


She is the right leader to drive our efforts in this regard at the United Nations. Her efforts in this regard have been tireless.


She has asserted American leadership on everything from the Assad regime’s chemical weapons use, to the pressure campaign against North Korea, and the Iran-backed provocations in the Middle East.


她一直维护着美国在一系列国际事务中的领导力, 坚定地施压从阿萨德政权的化学武器使用, 对朝鲜, 以及伊朗支持下在中东的挑衅。


Ambassador Haley has been fearless and a consistent voice on behalf of our ally Israel. And she has a sincere passion to protect the security, dignity, and the freedom of human beings around the world – all while putting American interests first. She has been a fierce defender of human rights around the world.

海莉大使为我们的盟友以色列无所畏惧, 并保持一贯的声音。她对保护世界各地的安全、尊严和自由有着真诚的热情--所有这些都把美国的利益放在首位。她一直是世界各地人权的勇猛的,坚强不屈的捍卫者。

I will now turn it over to Ambassador Haley for her announcement on how the United States will move forward with respect to the UN Human Rights Council.

现在我将请出海莉大使, 让她宣布美国在联合国人权理事会方面如何向前推进的举措。

AMBASSADOR HALEY: Thank you. Good afternoon. I want to thank Secretary Pompeo for his friendship and his partnership and his leadership as we move forward on these issues.

海莉大使: 谢谢。各位下午好。我要感谢 Pompeo 国务卿,感谢他的友情,他的合作,已经他在我们推进该议题方面的领导。

One year ago, I traveled to the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva. On that occasion, I outlined the U.S. priorities for advancing human rights and I declared our intent to remain a part of the Human Rights Council if essential reforms were achieved. These reforms were needed in order to make the council a serious advocate for human rights. For too long, the Human Rights Council has been a protector of human rights abusers and a cesspool of political bias.

一年前, 我前往日内瓦的联合国人权理事会。在那次会议上, 我概述了美国促进人权的优先事项, 我宣布, 如果实现必要的改革, 我们打算继续成为人权理事会的一部分。为了使理事会真正成为人权的严肃倡导者, 这些改革是必须的。长期以来, 人权理事会一直是一个侵犯人权者的保护伞和一个充斥着政治偏见的化粪池。

Regrettably, it is now clear that our call for reform was not heeded. Human rights abusers continue to serve on and be elected to the council. The world’s most inhumane regimes continue to escape scrutiny, and the council continues politicizing and scapegoating of countries with positive human rights records in an attempt to distract from the abusers in their ranks.


令人遗憾的是, 非常明显,我们对与这一改革的呼吁根本没有得到倾听。侵犯人权者继续任职并被选入世界人权理事会。世界上最不人道的政权继续逃避审查, 理事会继续政治化,有着积极人权记录的国家继续成为替罪羊, 所有这些企图无非是欲盖弥彰地分散着世界对这些名声狼藉的施虐者的注意力。

Therefore, as we said we would do a year ago if we did not see any progress, the United States is officially withdrawing from the UN Human Rights Council. In doing so, I want to make it crystal clear that this step is not a retreat from human rights commitments; on the contrary, we take this step because our commitment does not allow us to remain a part of a hypocritical and self-serving organization that makes a mockery of human rights.

因此, 正如我们在一年前所说的那样, 如果我们没有看到任何进展, 美国将宣布正式退出联合国人权理事会。在这样做的时候, 我想清楚地表明, 这一步骤不是从维护人权的承诺中退却; 相反, 我们采取这一步骤是因为我们的承诺不允许我们继续成为一个虚伪和自私的组织的一部分, 同他们同流合污沆瀣一气是对当今世界人权的嘲弄。

We did not make this decision lightly. When this administration began 17 months ago, we were well aware of the enormous flaws in the Human Rights Council. We could have withdrawn immediately. We did not do that.

这不是我们的轻率举动。当这一届政府17月前开始执政时, 我们清楚地认识到人权理事会的巨大缺陷。我们原本可以立即宣布退出。但我们没有这样做。

Instead, we made a good-faith effort to resolve the problems. We met with ambassadors of over a dozen countries in Geneva. Last September, in President Trump’s speech before the UN General Assembly, he called for member-states to support Human Rights Council reform. During High-Level Week last year, we led a session on Human Rights Council reform cohosted by the British and Dutch foreign ministers and more than 40 other countries.

相反, 我们作出了善意的努力来解决这些问题。我们在日内瓦会见了十多个国家的大使。去年 9月, 特朗普总统在联合国大会上的讲话中, 他呼吁会员国支持人权理事会的改革。在去年的高级别的会议周, 我们领导了由英国和荷兰外交部长和40多个其他国家共同主办 的人权理事会改革会议。

Our efforts continued all through this year in New York, where my team met with more than 125 member-states and circulated draft texts. Almost every country we met with agrees with us in principle and behind closed doors that the Human Rights Council needs major, dramatic, systemic changes, yet no other country has had the courage to join our fight.

今年以来,我们一如既往地努力。 在纽约 我们会见了125多个会员国, 并分发了案文草稿。在闭门会议中,我们遇到的几乎每个国家原则上都同意我们的意见, 人权理事会需要重大的,深层次的和系统性的变革, 但没有国家有勇气(公开地)加入我们的战斗。

Meanwhile, the situation on the council has gotten worse, not better. One of our central goals was to prevent the world’s worst human rights abusers from gaining Human Rights Council membership. What happened? In the past year, the Democratic Republic of Congo was elected as a member. The DRC is widely known to have one of the worst human rights records in the world. Even as it was being elected to membership in the Human Rights Council, mass graves continued to be discovered in the Congo.

与此同时, 理事会的情况变得更糟, 而不是更好。我们的主要目标之一是防止世界上最严重的恶名昭彰的人权施虐者获得人权理事会成员资格。而现实怎么样了?去年, 刚果民主共和国当选为理事会成员。众所周知, 刚果民主共和国是世界上人权记录最糟糕的国家之一。甚至就在它被选为人权理事会成员的时候, 在刚果,大量的丛葬坟墓持续不停地被发现,被曝光。

Another of our goals was to stop the council from protecting the world’s worst human rights abusers. What happened? The council would not even have a meeting on the human rights conditions in Venezuela. Why? Because Venezuela is a member of the Human Rights Council, as is Cuba, as is China.

我们的另一个目标是阻止理事会保护世界上最严重的人权滥用者。发生了什么事?理事会甚至连一个关于委内瑞拉人权状况的会议都不能召开。为什么?因为委内瑞拉是人权理事会的成员, 古巴是,中国也是。

Similarly, the council failed to respond in December and January when the Iranian regime killed and arrested hundreds of citizens simply for expressing their views.

同样, 在去年12月和今年1月份,在伊朗,数以百计的公民仅仅因为表达他们的不同政见就遭当局逮捕和杀害,人权理事会没有作出任何反应。

When a so-called Human Rights Council cannot bring itself to address the massive abuses in Venezuela and Iran, and it welcomes the Democratic Republic of Congo as a new member, the council ceases to be worthy of its name. Such a council, in fact, damages the cause of human rights.

当一个所谓的人权理事会不能为委内瑞拉和伊朗这样的大规模侵权行为发声, 它还欢迎刚果民主共和国成为新成员, 这个理事会就名不符实了。事实上, 这样一个理事会反而会损害人权事业。

And then, of course, there is the matter of the chronic bias against Israel. Last year, the United States made it clear that we would not accept the continued existence of agenda item seven, which singles out Israel in a way that no other country is singled out. Earlier this year, as it has in previous years, the Human Rights Council passed five resolutions against Israel – more than the number passed against North Korea, Iran, and Syria combined. This disproportionate focus and unending hostility towards Israel is clear proof that the council is motivated by political bias, not by human rights.

当然, 这里还有一个该理事会对以色列的长期偏见的问题。去年, 美国明确表示, 我们不接受继续存在的议程 “项目7”, 它以一种没有其他国家被单独挑选的方式单独把以色列列出。今年早些时候, 正如前几年一样, 人权理事会通过了五项反对以色列的决议——超过了对朝鲜、伊朗和叙利亚的决议的总和。这种不成比例的关注和对以色列无休止的敌视, 清楚地证明理事会是出于政治偏见, 而不是人权。

For all these reasons, the United States spent the past year engaged in a sincere effort to reform the Human Rights Council. It is worth examining why our efforts didn’t succeed. At its core, there are two reasons. First, there are many unfree countries that simply do not want the council to be effective. A credible human rights council poses a real threat to them, so they opposed the steps that would create it.

由于所有这些原因, 去年美国花了一年的时间进行了一次真诚的努力, 改革人权理事会。我们的努力没有成功, 失败的原因是很值得审视的。其核心有两个原因。首先, 有许多 不自由民主的国家根本不希望人权理事会有效运转。一个可靠的的人权理事会对他们构成了真正的威胁, 因此他们反对一切改革的努力。

Look at the council membership and you see an appalling disrespect for the most basic human rights. These countries strongly resist any effort to expose their abusive practices. In fact, that’s why many of them run for a seat on the Human Rights Council in the first place: to protect themselves from scrutiny. When we made it clear we would strongly pursue council reform, these countries came out of the woodwork to oppose it. Russia, China, Cuba, and Egypt all attempted to undermine our reform efforts this past year.

看看这个人权理事会的成员, 你会看到对最基本人权的悍然不尊重。这些国家拼死抵制揭露其虐待行为的任何努力。事实上, 这就是为什么他们中的许多人首先竞选人权理事会的席位: 保护自己不受审查。当我们明确表示我们将大力推行该理事会的改革时, 这些国家纷纷跳出来反对它。在过去的一年里, 俄罗斯、中国、古巴和埃及一直都在破坏我们的改革努力。

The second reason our reforms didn’t succeed is in some ways even more frustrating. There are several countries on the Human Rights Council who do share our values. Many of them strongly urged us to remain engaged in the council. They are embarrassed by the obsessive mistreatment of Israel. They share our alarm with the hypocrisy of countries like Cuba, Venezuela, Democratic Republic of Congo, and others serving on the council.

我们的改革没有成功的第二个原因是在某些方面更加令人沮丧。人权理事会中有几个国家和我们拥有共同的价值观。其中许多人强烈敦促我们继续参与理事会。他们因对以色列的过分虐待而感到尴尬。他们对古巴、委内瑞拉、刚果民主共和国等国家的虚伪和在理事会任职的其他人一样, 充满了警惕。

Ultimately, however, many of these likeminded countries were unwilling to seriously challenge the status quo. We gave them opportunity after opportunity and many months of consultations, and yet they would not take a stand unless it was behind closed doors. Some even admittedly were fine with the blatant flaws of the council as long as they could pursue their own narrow agenda within the current structure.

然而, 最终, 许多这些意趣相投的国家不愿意对现状提出严重挑战。我们一次一次地给他们机会,还有好几个月的磋商, 但他们不愿意公开明确立场, 除非是在闭门之后。有些国家成员甚至宁愿和理事会的公然缺陷同流合污, 只要他们能够在目前的框架中塞入自己的狭隘议题。

We didn’t agree with such a moral compromise when the previous UN Human Rights Commission was disbanded in 2006, and we don’t agree with it now. Many of these countries argued that the United States should stay on the Human Rights Council because American participation is the last shred of credibility that the council has. But that is precisely why we must leave. If the Human Rights Council is going to attack countries that uphold human rights and shield countries that abuse human rights, then America should not provide it with any credibility. Instead, we will continue to lead on human rights outside the misnamed Human Rights Council.

2006年,在前联合国人权委员会被解散的时候, 我们曾经不同意这样的道德妥协, 现在我们仍然秉持相同的理念。其中许多国家辩称, 美国应该留在人权理事会, 因为美国的参与是理事会所拥有的最后一丝可信度。但这恰巧正是我们必须离开的原因。如果人权理事会要攻击维护人权的国家, 保护滥用人权的国家, 那么美国就不应该为它提供任何信誉。相反, 我们将继续在名不副实人权理事会之外领导人权。

Last year, during the United States presidency of the Security Council, we initiated the first ever Security Council session dedicated to the connection between human rights and peace and security. Despite protests and prohibitions, we did organize an event on Venezuela outside the Human Rights Council chambers in Geneva. And this past January, we did have a Security Council session on Iranian human rights in New York.

去年, 在美国担任安全理事会主席期间, 我们发起了安全理事会有史以来第一届会议, 专门讨论人权,和平与安全之间的关系。尽管有抗议和禁止, 我们还是在日内瓦人权理事会各分庭以外组织了一次关于委内瑞拉的活动。在过去的 1月, 我们确实在纽约举行了安全理事会关于伊朗人权的会议。

I have traveled to the – to UN refugee and internally displaced persons camps in Ethiopia, Congo, Turkey, and Jordan, and met with the victims of atrocities in those troubled regions. We have used America’s voice and vote to defend human rights at the UN every day, and we will continue to do so. Even as we end our membership in the Human Rights Council, we will keep trying to strengthen the entire framework of the UN engagement on human rights issues, and we will continue to strongly advocate for reform of the Human Rights Council. Should it become reformed, we would be happy to rejoin it.

我曾经前往埃塞俄比亚、刚果、土耳其和约旦的联合国难民以及其国内流离失所者的营地, 并会见了这些动荡地区暴行的受害者。每一天, 在联合国,我们用美国的声音和投票来捍卫人权。我们将继续这样做。即使我们终止了我们在人权理事会的成员资格, 我们仍将继续努力加强联合国参与人权问题的整个框架, 我们将继续大力倡导人权理事会的改革。一旦改革成为可能, 我们很乐意重新加入。

America has a proud legacy as a champion of human rights, a proud legacy as the world’s largest provider of humanitarian aid, and a proud legacy of liberating oppressed people and defeating tyranny throughout the world. While we do not seek to impose the American system on anyone else, we do support the rights of all people to have freedoms bestowed on them by their creator. That is why we are withdrawing from the UN Human Rights Council, an organization that is not worthy of its name.

美国拥有骄傲的遗产,作为捍卫人权的拥护者, 作为世界上最大的人道主义援助的提供者,在全世界解放被压迫人民和挫败暴政方面,这些都是令人自豪的遗产。虽然我们不试图将美国制度强加给任何人, 但我们确实支持所有人民享有其造物主赋予他们自由的权利。这就是为什么我们要退出联合国人权理事会, 这个组织配不上它的名字。

Thank you.


QUESTION: Ambassador, is the timing related to the criticism of the border policy?

提问之一: 大使, 退出人权理事会的这个时间点的选择与对边境政策的批评有关吗?

QUESTION: Do you believe that the criticism is justified?

提问之二: 你认为你上述的批评都合理吗?