Star Scopes (3/11/11- 3/17/11)
文章来源: 南山松2011-03-11 17:12:45

Star Scopes (
3/11/11- 3/17/11)

Author: James Tucker

Aries - March 21-April 19

The reason your life continues onward is because of the depth of your visions, feelings and motivation. You will make it no matter what the world puts in the way. You never give up and you never stop trying. It's like having an ancient guardian angel watching over you. You do. It is called soul. Yours is strong and beautiful.

Taurus-April 20-May 20

Listen closely to your closest advisors and friends. They have much to tell you. I mentioned this to you once before. We are not supposed to struggle. Set new goals for the coming spring. Then, decide which are the most important and take action on the top three. You are now a winner in the royal game of life.

Gemini-May 21-June 21

Follow your own truth and allow others to follow theirs. Align with what is right for you. Now that you want what makes you happy has to come to you. It's the supreme law. Like attracts like in the universe. Your job is to be patient and have faith and trust in this most divine law. Live in joy and great good will soon be yours.

Cancer-June 22-July 22

Your courage and large heart continue to move you ahead into new territory. You can be a risk taker. It's OK. You have the heart power to set in motion and grow anything you want in life. No one in the zodiac has more desire and passion. You make your dreams come true. What a wonderful role model you are. Thanks.

Leo-July 23-Aug. 22

There is a shift in your energy field. As you keep releasing old, unwanted or needed things from your life at every level, the universe begins to increase you energy flow. It's your job to plant new seeds of desire in the energy and nurture them, help them grow, bloom and become fruitful. It's your purpose in life to do this.

Virgo-Aug. 23-Sept. 22

You have a great attitude. It is paying off for you. Your life is moving forward again. No reason to get stuck or sidetracked now. You are well respected and loved. Live in the now one day at a time. Keep a lighter touch. Sometimes less is more. Follow your instincts. They tell you when and how to act. Trust them.

Libra-Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Love energy is strong around you. The more you give, the more you receive. Just be open and let it flow. Great joy lives in your heart. Stay centered and balanced. Let your creative and artistic juices come alive. Keep a strong focus on the things that make you happy and the spring will give great new awakenings.

Scorpio-Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Your spirit is stronger than ever. All the healing and encouragement you give to others comes back around to you ten-fold, you know. This is the supreme law of life. You use it well. You and the universe are partners in pleasure. If it doesn't feel good, don't do it. You are what a good life is all about.

Sagittarius-Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Keep your head out of the way. Continue to yield to the higher power within you. Get out of your own way. Free yourself of mental liabilities. Release old fears that try to hold you back. Call on your guardian angels to give you light and show the way and the truth within. They are delighted to serve when asked.

Capricorn-Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Take care of your health and find ways to balance your active life. You don't have to be all things to all people all the time. Make a list each night of the top priorities you want to address tomorrow. Say them out loud. Now you have made a written and verbal commitment to the universe. Positive results must follow.

Aquarius-Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Search for hidden messages, meanings or signs that will shed new light on the mysteries you are holding in your heart and spirit. Take a step back when needed, get a second wind and remove fear, doubt or indecision. Now the big picture comes into focus and clear view. There is no stopping you now.

Pisces-Feb. 19-March 20

Boldly speak your words of truth. If they fall on deaf ears, repeat them again until your instincts tell you to stop. Very few have your heart, passion and understanding. Besides your family, try to spend as much time as possible with positive-minded uplifting people. Take a little time to play. You are so important and deserve the best.