Star Scopes (10/15/10 - 10/21/10)
文章来源: 南山松2010-10-15 17:31:12

Star Scopes (10/15/10 - 10/21/10)

Author: James Tucker

Aries - March 21-April 19

An inherent sense of responsibility continues to guide you as needed. Act decisively on goals and plans. Keep a lighter touch. Face life's challenges straight on as they happen and use them as stepping stones to forge greater understanding with family, friends and associates. Higher results are now on the way.

Taurus-April 20-May 20

You function best when you are doing what you love. Why? You are a person of high heart. Sometimes it is stressful dealing with earthly matters, but they too, are part of life. You have all the right tools. You have many friends. Stay focused on the top priorities. Move things forward. Victory after victory is now assured.

Gemini-May 21-June 21

When you ask for advice from someone capable of giving it, you honor them as well as yourself. Stay strong in your own beliefs but continue to listen to trusted advisors as well. This brings great respect and help your way. It shows great courage. All great leaders have advisors. It puts the winning edge in your favor.

Cancer-May 21-June 21

You live an inspired life. Why? Because you make it so. You are strong in heart. Your natural love of family and friends and seeing them do well and grow is one of the main things that keeps you going strong. It comes back to you tenfold. It's all about the choices you make. You always make wises ones. Great job.

Leo-July 23-Aug. 22

There is much change happening around you. Stay cool when the storms of life hit and refuse to allow the sea of life toss you around. Stay focused. Your judgment is eminent. Use your instincts when making decisions. Ask, "Will this make me happy?" When you hear "yes," simply take action and make it happen.

Virgo-Aug 23-Sept. 22

Live each day like there is no tomorrow. Make the best of what you have been given. This is the most reliable way to insure that more will always be on the way. When you see good in others, they affirm it in you as well. This is the true meaning of life and one of your most priceless possessions. It's heart stuff.

Libra-Sept. 23-Oct. 22

The universe is ready to give you a helping hand. Now is the time to tackle the toughest project and break it down into manageable parts. Be good to yourself. Don't bite off more than you can chew. Keep your priorities in line. Trust your divine guidance. Your natural rhythm and forward movement will keep you flowing.

Scorpio-Oct. 23-Nov. 21

It's your time at the wheel of the zodiac soon. Back off, and get a second wind before moving forward. You don't have to be all things to all people all the time. Why? Because they begin to take you for granted when you do. Refuse to become too predictable. Let others come to you more. Now you have more respect.

Sagittarius-Nov. 22-Dec. 21

You are at your best when you set lofty goals and work steadily to bring them into reality. Your love of life, nature and the universe is evident when you are happy inside. You are never content with mediocrity. You were born to excel. Life will soon be overflowing with many new adventures. Make the most of them.

Capricorn-Dec. 22-Jan. 19

You stand strong in any undertaking. You were born with the courage to take action on your convictions and dreams. You have the capacity to move beyond normal expectations and produce extraordinary results. Mighty forces are with you. Call on them as needed and continue to rise above any worldly limitations.

Aquarius-Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Allow the brilliance of your own beautiful heart and spirit to awaken your highest dreams and aspirations. Get in touch with these burning desires and manifest them in your life. You can do it. Now find new ways to give back and be of continued service to others. You are now working the supreme law. Life is good.

Pisces-Feb. 19-March 20

Set healthy goals and boundaries for yourself, but be flexible. Bend without breaking. Be open to change but refuse to allow the winds of change sidetrack you from your mission. Your heart knows and will guide you when you are open to and trusting of it. Now all the important bases are covered. Success is assured.