Star Scopes (3/13/09~3/19/09)
文章来源: 南山松2009-03-14 05:40:21

Star Scopes (3/13/09~3/19/09)

Author: James Tucker

Aries-March 21-April 19

Continue moving ahead with the new venture. If you hesitate, it could set you back. Your income should increase considerably if you follow through. Your creativity and vision are strong now. Your heart is open. You are having more fun. Continue to water and nurture your desire for change and the universe will bring great rewards for your efforts.

Taurus-April 20-May 20

Slow down a little. It’s better to do a few things well than many in a shaky way. Take a breather along the way to keep your energy at a peak. Eat fresh foods and exercise more. Look for ways to have fun each day. Balance is so important. If it isn’t fun, don’t do it. This insures a strong, healthy, exciting life filed with much adventure.

Gemini-May 21-June 21

Keeping your strength up is a major concern. No reason to burn out this early in the year. Life’s activities are speeding up. Refuse to jump around on unimportant things. Ask for advice from your closest friends before making major decisions. Highly responsible people perform this way. Now higher blessings are on the way.

Cancer-June 22-July 22

Purse your new plans with gusto. Follow through on inspirations that come from the heart. Sometimes it just takes patience to hang in there and trust the universe. Just because you don’t see immediate results doesn’t mean something isn’t happening. Then at the last minute, when it seems like all is lost, the ideas spring into life and all is well.

Leo-July 23-Aug. 22

You manifest by using the creative power of the mind and heart. Your latest project is a winner. See it through to completion. Infuse it with your own originality and uniqueness and it will be a real winner. Refuse to let negativity of the world spoil your fun. Bring everything into alignment with your highest knowing and march on to victory.

Virgo-Aug. 23-Sept. 22

It’s better to just accept than to overanalyze. Much life force and energy is wasted by over-thinking. Stick to the basics. Trust that life’s concerns always work out in divine order for the higher good of all concerned when you go with the flow. Your new knowledge will keep you moving forward and lower your stress levels considerably.

Libra-Sept. 23-Oct. 22

A lighter touch goes a long way. Resolve to let petty annoyances slide off you without attaching. You are a winner. Your strong, balanced performance in life is Oscar-quality. The coming spring will continue to present you with new ides to plant, grow and harvest. The future belongs to you because you believe in your dreams.

Scorpio-Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Your natural rhythm and timing is good now. Physical activities should be a high priority. Your instincts are whispering to you, “slow down, listen to god music, and dance more. Laugh a lot. Don’t get upset. Get a manicure. Read a good book.” Get it. Listen closely and then take action. The end result is great lasting joy and success.

Sagittarius-Nov. 22-Dec.21

Experience new challenges right now but cling to the basics as well. Be good to yourself. You are always good to others. It’s your true nature. Your “inner voice” is so strong. You are at your best when you listen to and follow it. When the time is right you know when to makes the right moves. The great visionaries of the worlds, like you, follow this plan.

Capricorn-Dec. 22-Jan. 19

There is much reason for joy in your life. Just keep your top priorities in line. First should be to feed your inner spirit. Then, from this natural high, take care of earthly responsibilities. Let go of old habits from the past that no longer serve you. This will be the best year of your life if you move these two ideas forward. Keep the faith and prosper.

Aquarius-Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Let your actions speak for you more than your words. You don’t have to seek approval for your choices in life. Seeking advice from a trusted friend is the exception to this. It is your time to shine. The key is to make wise choices and be courageous when needed. Sometimes less is more. It is never wrong to say no to negativity.

Pisces-Feb. 19-March 20

The eye of the hurricane is the safest place to be in a storm. Keep your cool when others around you are losing theories. Stay centered. Know that this, too, shall pass. Positive results come from focused energy. Keep on encouraging others around you to do their best. A kind word goes a long way. You are the master of kindness and goodwill, you know.