Star Scopes (10/10/08 ~ 10/16/08)
文章来源: 南山松2008-10-11 17:24:40

Star Scopes (10/10/08 ~ 10/16/08)

Author: James Tucker

Aries-March 21-April 19

Your ideas are especially hot right now. Now is the time to take action on your goals and desires. Action comes when you write down and ground an idea. Action creates reality and brings the idea into physical reality. One success paves the way for another. When your heart is in it, that is like a booster rocket ensuring victory.

Taurus - April 20-May 20

It's important to set daily, weekly, monthly and yearly goals. It gives you a track to follow so you don't get sidetracked on less important things. Focus and balance are two of the most important qualities of a positive Taurean. Others around you respect you more when you are focused. They will also help you when you are open to asking.

Gemini - May 21-June 21

See, the lighter touch works. Being careful of commitments and involvements is working for you. It gives you more free time to create balance and happiness. Now you are getting more of the important things done. Creative choices translate into higher income. When your heart is in a good project you always emerge a winner.

Cancer - June 22-July 22

Keep a sharp focus on what your heart is telling you and you will have an edge on when to act and when to wait. The universe has a mind of its own. Refuse to second guess it. Refuse to get sidetracked. Keep your heart open and your spirit strong and you will see wonderful results. Spirit is our best friend when we trust.

Leo - July 23-Aug. 22

Your priorities remain clear. You continue to have a strong sense of the most important areas of life that need to be addressed. Where does all this insight come from? From your heart and instincts, of course. You are a living example of how to use this inner guidance. Your positive philosophy is a beacon for others searching for truth.

Virgo - Aug. 23-Sept. 22

You can't change another person, but you can change how you react to their words and actions. Keep a lighter touch when faced with challenges. Say, "This too shall pass." Stay centered no matter what comes your way. Move above the small stuff. You have much more important things to do with your life, thank you.

Libra - Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Stay focused on your present dreams and desires. Live in the now, one day at a time. Your actions speak for you much more than your words. Your strong judgment is sought out by many around you who are not as much in touch as you are. Your passion and purpose is highly respected. You help everyone emerge as winners.

Scorpio - Oct. 23-Nov. 21

You seem to have a guardian angel watching over you. No need to worry. Your ability to visualize and handle details is one of your greatest gifts. You always get the job done. You handle responsibilities well. You are always there when needed. More good is on the way to you now. Just be ready and open when it comes.

Sagittarius - Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Keeping your energy high is a challenge. Why? Because you love life so much, you have a tendency to overdo. Take a couple of days to rest and recharge. You will come back stronger than ever. You know what you want. You have already proven yourself. Stay on this edge and the world will reward you for your true worth and reward you greatly.

Capricorn - Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Be patient right now and you will safely weather the storms of life swirling around you. Maintaining your own cool in the face of challenge is the key. You can do it. You always respect others. Just keep a focus on your main goals and you will continue to move things forward and achieve your highest aspirations.

Aquarius - Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Yours is a blessed life. The universe loves you. Your hard work and loyalty are legion. Burn out is unnecessary. Walk for 20 or 30 minutes every day. It keeps your legs strong and your circulation going. Read an inspirational book before going to sleep. You will wake up rested, renewed in spirit and raring to go again.

Pisces - Feb. 19-March 20

Sometimes you even amaze yourself. Few other signs can so capably deal with the past, present and future. You seem to have a deep, inexhaustible supply of energy. This why you were given the depths of the water and your feelings to guide you. The world is a better place because of this well. It never runs dry. You are what heart is all about.