Magic Words!: 美国孩子9岁之前需要掌握的25种基本礼节(zt)
文章来源: 法国薰衣草2011-04-22 14:59:25
Magic Words!

在法国 英国都生活过, 感觉英国的礼貌教育比法国更普遍,更重视, 尽管正规的法语是那么优雅, 彬彬有礼,至少移民的礼貌学习在英国比较在意些。

自己在反叛的年龄曾经觉得一切礼貌都是虚假多余的,回过头来看礼貌在一个社会还是必需的, 礼貌礼节就是你与另一个体,团体沟通的开场白, prelude, 结束语, 甚至是还击反驳时更好的weapon 

以前我们的邻居,父亲英国人,他儿子小时候,会说话的时候,其他都不教,就是逼着他儿子学会说 Magic words, 每次他儿子有什么需求,他们都要问:What's the magic word? 他儿子就会说,please!直到他儿子把please, thank you...等礼貌语言说得非常自然,融于血液,根深蒂固才行,就是跟父母也得礼貌。

相反我们老中, 觉得父母帮孩子是应该的,情愿的,不用说谢谢了,别罗嗦了, 好像觉得父母孩子之间说这些客套话很生分,不像自己人, 其实亲情血缘就是在哪的,不会几句礼貌用语会改变,

其实父母子女也需要有起码的礼貌距离, 不能让孩子觉得就是理所当然, 我们做父母的也一样,对孩子也不能对孩子胡说八道,东方文化父母对孩子有一种拥有权,股东投资者的感觉,在孩子身上划了力气,花了钱,孩子你的听我们的, 家家户户都这样,造就了不民主不透明不独立不思索的土壤, 什么梦想,非分之想都是白搭,很可能过不了父母那一管。 儒家文化照旧的社会次序,家庭次序是表面的, 静止的,哑巴的,一旦多思多想多动多说这种次序就受不了,因为没有健康正常的对话。 当然孩子未成年之前,我们有权过问批准他们的请求!

话是这么说,有时也很难找到规矩和自由的平衡。 孩子在英国学校学礼貌更多,法国人骨子里是反叛的,说几句就开始用tu了,英国人还是蛮喜欢那些礼貌用语, 好了 现在俺常常是受女儿们说教,有时高兴的时候,我会说:快点烧水,咱们喝茶听音乐看DVD或上网什么的, 女儿会非常起架子地说:妈,What's the magic word? 俺不得不小学生的谦虚+笑容:Please, S'il te plait!说就说,有什么,有人免费烧茶送茶就行

今天去游泳,在游泳池,一个小男孩9, 10 岁,横着游过来, 我们几乎要相撞了,两个人都停下来了,我以为这孩子不会说什么,男孩子非常有礼貌,很虔诚内疚的样子说 I'm sorry, Madam。 我说:你先游吧

有时在街上常看到一些父母非常严肃地要自己的孩子说:对不起,谢谢。确实陌生人一句谢谢,特别是对不起这样的礼貌用语,会让彼此一天都非常开心,会不由自主地感叹: 瓦,生活还是很美的。

礼貌也让孩子勇敢地走向他人,礼貌既是尊重别人也是尊重自己,礼貌让每个人稍稍摆正自己的位子, 是挺好的, 礼貌和个性的发挥一点也不矛盾,。




在海外居住多年,家里又有三个不同年龄的孩子,常常提醒他们要注意礼节,养成好习惯,所谓习惯成自然。也很赞同好友牧童歌谣的留言:“品行的教育非常关键,往往比多会几种数学题多弹几个钢琴曲要重要的多。 知识可以日后学,品行却是从小的积累。”



原文来自美国《父母〉杂志 作者:David Lowry,Ph.D,今晚轻舟将之翻译为中文与更多的网友们分享:

1. When asking for something, say "Please."
2. When receiving something, say "thank you."
3. Don't interrrupt grown-ups who are speaking with each other unless there is an emergency. They will notice you and respond when they are finished talking.
4. If you do need to get somebody's attention right away, the phrase"excuse me" is the most polite way for you to enter the conversation.
    当你需要他人的注意或想与人谈话,最礼貌的短语是“Excuse me” (对不起,打扰了。)
5. When you have any doubt doing something, ask permission first. It can save you from many hours of grief later.
6. The world is not interested in what you dislike. Keep negative opinions to yourself,or between you and your friends, and out of earshot of adults.
7. Don't comment on other people's physical characteristics unless, of cuourse, it's to compliment them, which is always welcome.
8.When people ask you how you are, tell them and then ask them how they are.
9. when you have spent time at your friend's house, remember to thank his or her parents for having you over and for the good time you had.
10. Knock on closed doors-and wait to see if there's a response-before entering.
11. When you make a phone call, introduce yourself first and then ask if you can speak with the person you are calling.
12. Be appreciative and say “thank you" for any gift you receive. In the age of e-mail, a handwritten thank-you note can have a powerful effect.
13. Never use foul language in front of adults. Grown-ups already know all those words, and they find them boring and unpleasant.
14. Don't call people mean names.
15. Do not make fun of anyone for any reason. Teasing shows others you are weak, and ganging up on someone else is cruel.
16. Even if a play or an assembly is boring, sit through it quietly and pretend that you are interested. The performers and presenters are doing their best.
17. If you bump into somebody, immediately say "excuse me."
   若不小心碰撞到别人,立即说“Excuse me."(对不起。)
18. Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze, and don't pick your nose in public.
19. As you walk through a door, look to see if you can hold it open for someone else.
20. If you come across a parent, a teacher, or a neighbor working on something, as if you can help. If they say‘yes",do so -you may learn something new.
   你父母、老师或邻居在做事情时,若你经过,询问是否可以帮助他们,若他们说“可以”,你去帮助他们 - 你很可能学会做新的事情。
21. When an adult asks you for a favor, do it without grumbling and with a smile.
22. When someone helps you, say "thank you". That person will likely want to help you again. This is especially true with teachers!
23. Use eating utensils properly. If you are unsure how to do so, ask your parents to teach you or watch what adults do.
24. Keep a napkin on you lap; use it to wipe your mouth when necessary.
25. Don't reach for things at the table; ask to have them passed.