from Orpheus and Eurydice
文章来源: 作舟诗集2006-01-16 21:13:25
from "Orpheus and Eurydice "
by Gregory Orr

If your gaze takes in
the world
a person’s a puny thing.


If a person is all
you see,
the rest falls away
and she becomes the world.


But there’s another world
into which a person
can disappear.


Then what remains?
Only your word for her:




She paused at the stone
gates and saw
a story like hers
carved there:


the child, Persephone,
fleeing the dark god,
                 A crack
beneath her feet.
Her head’s thrown back,
its sunburst of curls

a golden chrysanthemum
snapped from its stalk.


A mortal’s a blossom
the earth opens for.