U.S. cyclist has good genes
文章来源: stillthere2008-03-28 16:17:27


PUBLICATION: 	The Toronto Sun 	
DATE: 2008.03.27

U.S. cyclist has good genes
Cycling runs in Taylor Phinney's family. Just six months after making his track debut,
the 17-year-old prodigy from an American cycling dynasty is likely off to the Beijing Olympics.

The son of American road star Davis Phinney and 1984 Olympic gold medallist Connie Carpenter-Phinney
was quick to express his disappointment after clocking 4:22.358 in the individual pursuit at the
world track championships yesterday.

Still, that time would be good enough to get Phinney into the Olympics -- if the U.S., as expected,
officially secures a starting spot in the event.

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